Current Publishing

Do what poll workers would do

As the election has been over for several weeks now, it’s time for our two political parties to come together and derive a solution to the Fiscal Cliff. I think a balanced approach of raising tax rates, reducing defense and other spending, and adjusting entitlement programs is needed. It shouldn’t be that difficult if both parties compromise.

Here in Hamilton County, I worked as a clerk in my precinct along with four other workers of both political parties. We got there at 5 a.m. and didn’t get home until after 7 p.m. We had long lines of at least 50 people continuously from 6 a.m. until the polls closed. The wait time was as long as two and a half hours, but most people waited it out to cast their ballots. While I would much prefer a shorter wait for our voters, it’s certainly encouraging to see democracy in action.

Our team of five poll workers had experience ranging from 32 years to first-timers. Being from both political parties, I’m sure we had diverse political views. However, we worked together in great harmony and assisted any voter who needed help.

I think that the two parties need to work together like our poll workers. Don’t bicker, just get the job done! They owe it to the voters who waited in line so long in my precinct and across the country.

Also, I’d like to express my appreciation to Current management for publishing my columns the last several months. If you are readers of the “From the Backshop” column, you will note that our political preferences are quite different. Thus, I think it’s highly commendable that Steve Greenberg and Brian Kelly encourage different viewpoints in the Current. Also, I appreciate everyone who emailed me and/or sent in “Readers’ views,” whether or not they were “puzzled” by my opinions. I think it’s great that we had an exchange of viewpoints and a good dialogue during the election.

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