Current Publishing

Puzzled by Blessing


It is puzzling to read Jim Blessing’s endorsement of Scott Reske. Reske is like every Democrat who has run for Congress. He pledges bipartisanship but, if elected, will fully support liberal Congressional leaders House Democrat Leader Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. Of course, he also supports President Barack Obama’s re-election. Obama is clearly the most liberal President we have ever had. His “recovery” policies have increased the debt by trillions of dollars and we have very little economic recovery to show for it. Obama has greatly expanded the reach, size and cost of the federal government with no pushback from Democrats in Congress. Reske’s track record in the state legislature proves that he won’t be any different. Mr. Blessing is entitled to his opinion but the citizens of the 5th District need someone to stand up to the Democrat liberals and big spenders in Congress. The person who will stand up for us is Susan Brooks, not Scott Reske.

Elizabeth G. Russell






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