Current Publishing

Raymond ‘Bud’ Moulder grave marker refurbished, rededicated



FFD rededicated and refurbished a grave monument of Raymond “Bud” Moulder, a firefighter who fell in the line of duty.

On Oct. 13, 1967, FFD was called out to the Goeke Dodge-Chrysler Auto Agency in Noblesville to combat a fire there, according to a past news article.

FFD Public Information Officer Ron Lipps said an explosion occurred at the site, and Moulder’s last action was to push a Westfield firefighter out of the way of a collapsing wall.

Moulder’s original grave marker was adorned with a medal for his service, but thieves stole it on multiple occasions. The new marker graphically represents the medal.

Firefighter Ron Stolz was a major player in getting the monument replaced.

Moulder’s widow, Virginia Sigler and family were present for the ceremony.

“The family appreciates everything the Fishers Fire Department and Noblesville Fire Department and Hamilton County for everything they have done over the past 45 years and hope and pray that this tragedy never befalls on Hamilton County ever again,” Richard Moulder and family told FFD.


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