Current Publishing

Letter to the Editor: A Better Way

A Better Way


It is our opinion that traditional fundraising tactics used by schools, sports, church and youth groups are losing their effectiveness . . .” (Current in Fishers 8/14/12)


“Help us help Chaucie’s Place” (Current in Fishers 10/9/12)


We couldn’t agree more with the opinion of the Current’s Editorial Board.  In a national survey, satisfaction with current fundraising options (0 to 10) is only 4.8.  Teachers, parents, students, coaches, players are tired of knocking on doors, bugging their co-workers, receiving telemarketing fundraising calls/letters, and guilting relatives into buying overpriced items they don’t necessarily want or need.


The product fundraising industry is ripe for change . . . there has to be a better way.


There is!  TheGiftOfBuying (TGOB) is that change.  TGOB is a member of a nonprofit cooperative that offers nonprofit organizations fundraisingservices for today and into the future, year round, hassle-free, FEE-FREE, in a most unique way!


In 5-10 minutes, an organization registers, sets up their own Amazon-like on-line “eStore” with their logo and a unique URL, and has access to over 7 million books(print/audio/eBooks), DVD’s/Video, calendars, games, CD’s and gifts.


Buyers (anyone) go to the organization’s eStore and purchase products for themselves or as gifts for others.  Buyers see exactly how much money from their purchase price is a tax-deductible donation to the organization (average 25%) while they shop. (Ex: “Fifty Shades of Grey” price $14.07/$3.52 of which is donation to organization.)


Even with the donation included in the price of the item purchased, 90% of all items are still below suggested retail price.  And people are not being asked to do anything they aren’t already doing – shopping on-line.  They’re just being asked to do some of that shopping at the nonprofit’s new eStore to support their cause.  Everyone wins!


For the organization: 1) Never any fees.  2) Operational 24/7.  3) No time-consuming event/campaign. 4) No selling door-to-door.  5) No need to pick up/deliver products. 6) No paperwork: online real-time reporting.


For the buyer/donor: 1) Tax-deductible donation.  2) Purchasing history on-line.  3) Nothing to pick up.  4) With over 7,000,000 products, you don’t have to buy something you don’t want.  5) Return slip comes with every shipment.  6) At the end of the year, each buyer receives a statement showing how much they “donated” to the organization for their tax records.


Chaucie’s Place “Treasure our Children” fundraiser is a great event and supported by many.  Unfortunately a lot of individuals can’t afford $75 to attend.  The average household does, however, spend over $1,000 a year shopping on-line.  If they spent $500 of that at Chaucie’s Place’s eStore, they would donate $125.  100 families spending $500  would donate $12,500 to Chaucie’s Place.


A Nonprofit Organization can continue all the “traditional” fundraising tactics (selling door-to-door, letters, phone calls.)  Some will succeed, some won’t.  Some will take a lot of time to plan and execute.


Or . . . We Have A Better Way!

Shelby J. Young and Kevin P. Young, Proprietors

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