Current Publishing

Looking for a new ‘slice-of-life’ columnist

One of the best things about being a writer is the ability to really see style and structure grow over time, whether it’s your own or someone else’s.

Every now and again, I drag out my old portfolios from my high school journalism days. Topics change. Flow and rhythm are modified. Voice is developed.

Much to my dismay, Current in Fishers is now searching for a new voice. ‘Plain talk’ columnist Susan Bryant is no longer writing her column, which I think was a great slice-of-life every other week. Bryant chose to pursue other opportunities, and I wish her all the best!

She lent the newsweekly an excellent, down-to-earth viewpoint, and that is something I don’t want to lose.

So, I am now asking if there is someone in Fishers who would like to fill that gap. There’s something to be said for that slice-of-life viewpoint. At the end of the day, when you hang your boots up, put the car in the garage and step away from your computer – or whatever you use to get your work done – what’s left is most important: family and friends.

Using your voice to express that or related views is a worthwhile exercise. Writing can be cathartic, sometimes relaxing, sometimes sobering and once you get into a rhythm, seldom slow. Let me refer you to the story I wrote last week about the Vet-To-Vet group in Geist.

If interested in this opportunity to write for Current in Fishers on a bi-weekly basis, please send a sample column to my email address, Please also include a short bio (no more than 300 words, please) that explains who you are, why you’re interested in writing and how long you’ve lived in Fishers. Columns should be no more than 325 words in length.

In the mean time, thank you for continued readership and interaction.

Chat with me about local happenings at Hearthstone Coffeehouse & Pub on 116th Street just west of town hall from 3 to 5 p.m. every Tuesday.


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