Current Publishing

How well do you know Paul Ryan?

When Mitt Romney announced his VP choice of Congressman Paul Ryan, Republicans immediately branded the selection as a “bold” choice.  The term “bold” choice was used so often that, at first, I thought it was an advertisement for detergent.

Since Romney has seemingly flip-flopped his positions on most issues between his candidacy for Senator and Governor of Massachusetts and his Presidential campaign, the selection of Ryan was considered manna to the party faithful.  Ryan has a reputation among Republicans as a strong advocate for deficit reduction.  However, an analysis of his 14 years in Congress raises questions with this conclusion.

Putting aside Medicare, which by itself would require an entire column, I’d like to examine Ryan’s record of making “bold” choices.  Now, Ryan has proposed a multitude of sharp cuts in social programs, which some of his most prominent fellow Catholics, including Bishops, have criticized as “failing a basic moral test.”  However, Ryan also:

Now, make up your own mind, is Ryan a balanced deficit hawk?  He doesn’t sound like one to me!

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