Current Publishing

Kissing Pulpit

It is our position that the term “bully pulpit” should not be taken literally by protestors. The recent controversy over Chick-fil-A President Dan Cathy’s comments on the Biblical definition of a family unit has ignited a firestorm from gay marriage equality activists that included a staged “kiss-in” at local restaurants.

Staging a kiss-in at a Chick-fil-A restaurant is the equivalent of making out on stage at the local elementary school or retirement center. Is that really the most appropriate platform for advancing a political stance on gay marriage?

There’s a difference between staging an effective protest and simply throwing a tantrum or staging a stunt for shock value. Why did the protest have to turn sexual? If the philosophy is that marriage equality is not about sex, why use kissing as a protest?

Regarding Cathy’s statements and opinions – what happened to free speech? Apparently, it’s only acceptable if you agree with the speech.

It’s very difficult to gain mutual understanding and respect if there is no middle ground. And, there may never be a middle ground for some, rightly, or not rightly, so. It depends on your vantage point. There’s got to be a better way.


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