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Soap cures leg cramps

One of the things you will find on the table next to my bed is a piece of soap. There’s another one next to my computer, and yet another one in the family room where I watch TV. I even keep a piece in my car, and sometimes I carry a small piece in my pocket.

The reason? Leg cramps. I get them, and soap cures them. True, but no one knows why.

There are theories, of course. Some say it’s because soap contains salt. It’s a known fact that salt in the diet helps prevent muscle cramps.

Others believe soap may absorb CO2 from the body. Excessive CO2 can cause cramps.

Who knows, it may even be a result of those atomic tests conducted in the Pacific right after World War II.

Even doctors agree that soap works, but will admit they haven’t a clue why. Dr. Peter Gott, author of “Live Longer – Live Better,” says any soap will work except Dial or Dove. Mostly, I use hotel soap. You know, those little courtesy bars. They all work.

The People’s Pharmacy on the internet reports that simply holding a bar of soap will also cure numbness and tingling in the hands and arms. For leg cramps, they suggest putting a sliver of soap in your socks.

I used to eat a banana when afflicted by a cramp. It worked, but not like soap. When a cramp hits these days, I rub the area with soap and in a matter of seconds the cramp is gone. Some report they prevent cramps altogether by slipping the soap under their bed sheets.

An old Amish cure, on the other hand, calls for taking a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar mixed with ginger juice and garlic.

Nothing against the Amish, but I’ll stick with the soap.

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