Current Publishing

Forty Million Shades of Shame


With her column “Fifty Shades of Gray,” acclaiming the erotica novel of the same name, Danielle Wilson shredded the Current’s decency while demonstrating an astonishing ignorance of the societal damage pornography inflicts.

Fact: In a CNN interview with Gail Dines, professor and author of “Pornland: How Porn Has Hijacked Our Sexuality,” Dines cited an incredible host of ills associated with pornography. Dines went on to say, “that the more men view pornography, the more difficult it is to have intimate relationships.”

Fact: A meta-analysis of 46 published studies by the National Foundation for Family Research and Education cited regular exposure to pornography as causing increased risk of sexually deviant behaviors.

Fact: Member respondents to a survey by the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers stated “an obsessive interest in Internet pornography” as a “significant factor in 56 percent of divorce cases.”

As long as Wilson is privileged to share her opinions in a public forum, the public should be privileged to receive facts supporting those beliefs. There is nothing “harmless” or “hilarious” about a billion dollar industry insidiously destroying 40 million of our friends, neighbors, children, wives and husbands. Nor does it demonstrate journalistic integrity for the Current to let any columnist so brazenly state otherwise without providing any real facts to the contrary.

Michelle Foley

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