Current Publishing

Big town, big news

I have to confess. For as far back as I can remember during my early training days in journalism, I always wanted to be an entertainment writer. If I did that, I’d get to go to the movies, eat at fancy restaurants and schmooze with the people that make Hollywood work – and then write about it all. Who knows – maybe even be famous like veteran film critic Roger Ebert.

Now that I write for Current and cover events like Fishers Town Council meetings, and issues like local crime, I can say that I enjoy writing about “hard news.” With this new-found zest for writing about this stuff, can you imagine how excited I was during July’s Chamber of Commerce luncheon when Tom Dickey, Fishers Community Development Director, announced the town’s hope to develop the land in front of Fishers Town Hall?

I was ecstatic to hear the news. And maybe even for selfish reasons, considering the fact that I am not a Fishers resident. I don’t have a stake in how the land in town is developed.

But it is my job to report on how the project proceeds from here, which will, no doubt, give me plenty of diverse stories to write. I’ve been told that there will be a lot of exciting announcements coming from the Town of Fishers staff in the next two months.

However, this is not just the staff’s story to tell.

It’s yours.

Businesses in the “downtown” area should expect to hear from me in the near future. What do new buildings mean for you and your business? Do you think these new attractions will be good for the area? I have a long list of questions I want Fishers residents and business people to answer.

I’m looking forward to finding out those answers.

For a breakdown of the story so far on the new developments, see the community redevelopment story in last week’s issue, or online at As always, come chat with me during my “office hours” at the Starbucks on 116th Street off of I-69 from 3 to 5 p.m.

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