Current Publishing

Watering restrictions are serious business

Westfield, as you might know, correctly has issued mandatory watering restrictions. Not only does this keep the supply from further dwindling, but it also keeps the water pressure up for firefighting measures. Please do your part. To ignore the restrictions could place the city’s water system in great peril. So, if your address is even-numbered, you may irrigate only on Mondays and Wednesdays, odd-numbered on Tuesdays and Thursdays. That is all that’s allowed. If you see anyone in violation, file a report with Public Works Customer Service at 804-3150. For more information, visit

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Through our untrained political eyes, we view President Barack Obama actually defining what challenger Mitt Romney represents for and to the American people. If that truly is the case, Romney had best assert himself, or it’ll be lights out before the game ever begins. It’s something for all of us to watch. Tell us if you disagree.

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A friend recently told us his daughter is fired up for school, which, for her, begins next Monday. She attends a private school, but still, whatever happened to summer? Back in the day, which is how it should be today, we were out the first Friday in June, back the day after Labor Day. If this kid we know wanted to go to summer camp, for instance, she would have barely made it to the fourth of the traditional eight weeks – given most camps’ calendars. There is too much time off during the year. We believe 180 days can be achieved and still give the kids a full summer.

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The Department of Energy, which was created in 1977 to lessen our dependence on foreign oil, has beefed up to 16,000 employees and an annual budget of $29.5 billion. Oh, and we now import oil more than ever. What a joke! Sounds like a “green” initiative to us.

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