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Let’s get physical

In a world controlled by the boundaries of physics, why do we still push the axiom dictating we cannot be in two places at once? We book and stretch to make the commute from one city to another, optimistically clinging to the belief we can shuttle amongst the final meeting of the day, attending an away track meet for kid No. 1 and still patiently reviewing homework with the second offspring. While we humans are blessed with a depth of ability, capacity and fortitude seldom fully-taxed, can we manage to attend to our obligations when they are simultaneously dislocated?

All too often, I find myself unable to meet those commitments that arise countervailing one to the other. In fact, it seems many of my own good intentions fall victim of too much, too far apart. We end up creating (and most sincerely regretting) the inconvenience caused to those others, as any thoughtful person might be, who manage to be on time and prepared for discussion. Do they simply under-schedule knowing traffic snarls and meetings go long? Do these to-be-admired folks have some pass to an elaborate system that transports them from one side of town to the other without the pesky twin distractions of time and space?

Cellphones and all manner of tools now make our time more efficient. We can do more in a more compact space. And boy, do we do more! Yet, have we simply pushed ourselves to the inevitable result of failure? Are we better served to do less better? In a world of more communication, more productivity and more encounters, should we hoard our time, guarding it jealously against our tendency to squeeze in one further thing? I’d like to consider the question, but it looks like I’m late for my next meeting …

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