Current Publishing

And now, a few words from the ‘traffic ‘copter’

Brian Kelly and Steve Greenberg

As the U.S. 31 Freeway Project now is under way with quite a fervor, we urge motorists from Boone and Hamilton counties to exercise extreme patience – if not a little ingenuity – in dealing what many already are calling “the three-year mess.” The finished product, we believe, will be worth the wait and certain hassles. Further, it isn’t a mess; it’s progress taking shape. We have opined in this space before on the positive aspects this project will deliver. To get to the good, we must find a way to sanely endure the “ugly,” and that means finding ways around snarled traffic, keeping your cool and allowing plenty of extra time during peak commute hours. A customary 10-minute drive last week took us more than 25 minutes. Patience! It will be worth it in the end. “Coping skills” may be found at Current will provide updates in the paper, on its Web site and on Facebook and Twitter. We pledge to help you all we can.


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Saturday brings the second running of the Carmel Marathon, of which Current is a sponsor. Participants, including those from here, Indiana, most of the nation and nations abroad, are bringing not only their talents and determination, but also their wallets. Hotel rooms have been booked for months, and the local economies should enjoy a bump-up on the bottom line. That’s the good news. The “other” news is the event will cause traffic disruptions for a short while, so anyone in, or passing through Carmel is urged patience while the races play out. Police and signage will be of help to you. For more information, please visit

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