Current Publishing

Please allow us to finish the story

Brian Kelly and Steve Greenberg

We noticed a letter to the editor, published by the other newspaper in this town, which took to task our managing editor, Derek Fisher, over quotes he used in his cover story on the schools referendum (Current in Zionsville, March 27). The facts of the matter are, according to Derek (and we stand by him solidly):

As you can see, it was and shall continue to be all above board as concerns Current in Zionsville. If you ever find anything to the contrary, please write us at We will investigate, respond and reply.

Meantime, we are thrilled with the job Derek has done since joining us in early January (to speak nothing of our decision to bring him aboard). He is an accurate reporter and an engaging writer. If you have a story idea, a news tip or a comment, we urge you to contact him at

By Brian Kelly and Steve Greenberg

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