Current Publishing

Candidate surveys: State Representative District 37

Editor’s note: The Fishers Chamber of Commerce hosted a forum Tuesday for candidates for Indiana State Representative District 37, which will represent Fishers in the Indiana General Assembly. Courtesy of the Fishers Chamber, these are some select responses from candidate surveys filled out prior to the forum. The complete surveys can be found online at



Debbie Driskell


What are the three most important issues facing Fishers? (List in order of importance.)

Keeping schools strong; economic development; effective tax and distribution policies

If elected, how will you address these important issues?

  1. Schools: Work to return power to our locally-elected school board; work to see our schools and teachers are fairly evaluated and graded.
  2. Economic development: Be an advocate between the town and the General Assembly; work to lessen regulations/fees/taxes that impede economic development; free the town to make decisions locally – empower the town to move forward on local matters not hinged upon the permission of the state(strengthen home rule).
  3. Effective tax policies: See that formulas, such as County Option Income Tax, are fairly weighted to not advantage units which have a history of high rates and debt.

Why are you running for state representative?

I was brought up to believe it is my civic duty to be involved in the community in which I live. I have practiced that principle for decades. I now have children and grandchildren living in the district and wish to protect and better our community by serving in the General Assembly. I will work tirelessly to see our community grows and is bettered by bringing local decisions “home” where they belong. “Top-down” management inhibits communities from growth and vibrancy. Local leaders need to be empowered to exercise common-sense solutions to local challenges.



Todd Huston
Todd Huston for State Representative (

What are the three most important issues facing Fishers? (List in order of importance.)

Economic development in Fishers and across the state; funding for Hamilton Southeastern schools; infrastructure and transit systems

If elected, how will you address these important issues?

Fishers and the state ofIndianamust continue working to become a national leader in economic growth and job creation. However, we must continue to attract companies to locate and stay in our community through low taxes, responsible government spending and a streamlined regulatory environment. Additionally, we should provide local municipalities the freedom to use their local tax revenues as they see fit in order to encourage economic development in their local communities. While significant improvements were made by the 2011 General Assembly to provide an improved funding formula for HSE schools, we must continue to modify the formula to reward the type of academic excellence HSE schools provides their students.

Why are you running for state representative?

As a 28-year resident of Fishers and a graduate of HSE, I feel blessed to have lived in a community that provides tremendous opportunities and support to its residents. I hope to use my experience as a former HSE School Board member and community leader to represent Fishers in an effective manner from day one. Additionally, my experience working for Gov. Mitch Daniels will guide me in making positive and immediate progress on issues important to our area within the General Assembly. Most importantly, I want to ensure future generations of Fishers residents and Hoosiers have an even better Indiana in which to live and work. I hope my service and leadership will help foster this opportunity.

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