Current Publishing

‘Cash Mob’ in Noblesville today

You may have heard of “flash mobs,” but have you heard of a “cash mob?”  The Noblesville Chamber of Commerce will host Hamilton County’s first “Noblesville Cash Mob” from 4 to 6 p.m. in the heart of Downtown Noblesville!
The entire community is encouraged to participate!
What is a Cash Mob?  Cash Mobs are a new movement aimed at supporting local businesses and rebuilding communities. A Cash Mob is similar to a Flash Mob, but instead of singing and dancing, Cash Mobbers join together and each spend $20 minimum at a local business. It is a fun, fast-paced and concentrated shopping event designed to draw more awareness, visibility, and shoppers to locally-owned businesses.

How does a “cash mob” work?  We start by getting the word out to everyone who is interested in supporting our local businesses that there is a “cash mob” event happening on a specific date at a specific time. Shoppers then show up during the designated time frame at a specified rendezvous spot and then “mob” a business and buy something.
There are three rules: spend a little cash at the business, meet people you didn’t know, and have fun!
The Noblesville Chamber of Commerce will announce the business to be mobbed when all the mobbers have rendezvoused on the Square.  Why keep the target business a secret?  Who doesn’t love the element of surprise?  We will meet on the north side of the Noblesville Square and then the mob “victim” will be announced and the fun can begin!  Although the recognized “National Cash Mob Day” is March 24, Noblesville will participate in this new national phenomenon today. More than 170 Cash Mobs will be occurring across the country and around the world during this time frame. The chamber will meet on the north side of the Noblesville Square and then proceed to a locally owned small business to support it and have fun!

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