Current Publishing

Encouragement for HCCA members


Thank you so much for putting me in touch with Christian Sorrell, your entertainment editor. The Hamilton County Artists’ Association had their first opening of 2012 on March 2. After I wrote an e-mail to him about our organization and what we are trying to accomplish, he did a full-page story of the event.He even took the time to come over to the gallery and take pictures.

The news reports all Friday were about approaching tornadoes. The wind was blowing, and I worried all day no one would come to the show we all worked so hard on. At 6:15 p.m., just a few artists were there. My heart was sinking. At 6:30 p.m., people started streaming through the door. I couldn’t believe it. Within minutes, the gallery was full. Everyone was talking about the wonderful article in Current. One man had seen it and wanted to become a HCAA member.

With the recession, attendance had gotten smaller and smaller. This just made us all feel like maybe things will change now and be the way it used to be. We put our heart and souls into these paintings, and even if there aren’t terrific sales, we want people to come and enjoy what we’ve done. It encourages all of us.

Thank you very much for caring about our association,and thank you, Christian Sorrell. You are the man.

Lori Johnson

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