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Ready to run: Michael Shirrell

COM Carmel Marathon

I’m a Carmel Runner: Michael Shirrell

I’m running the Carmel: Marathon

Number of years as a Carmel resident: Six years

Goal for the 2012 Carmel Marathon Championship Weekend: Anything less than 3 hours (marathon personal record is 2:50:30)

Why I started running: To help quit smoking as a New Year’s resolution in 2004. I have never looked back since.

Favorite place to run in Carmel: Monon between 146th and 86th streets, or in the Village of West Clay.

I run with: I usually run alone or with one other person, but I do participate/run with a training group during the spring.

When I’m not running: I work as a project management consultant and am an avid guitarist of 18 years.

One word to describe what running means to me: Enjoyment.

How running/exercise has changed my life: I went from a fairly sedentary lifestyle that included smoking to the complete opposite. Many college friends cannot imagine me as a runner, and many post-college friends cannot imagine me NOT running.

Race day lucky charms: I usually wear the same outfit for every race – Brooks Ravenna (shoes), grey Nike shorts, black and red Nike running singlet (top) and Sugoi sleeves (weather dependent).

Advice for new runners: Keep running! It gets easier with every step you take, every run you complete. Never focus on what other people are doing; run in whatever fashion you are comfortable in terms of stride, pacing, etc. Also, celebrate running milestones (e.g., first 5K, 10K, half, etc., or a new personal record)! Running may be a way to get healthy, but why do something if you don’t enjoy it? So, HAVE FUN!

Why I decided to run a race: Running in my (adopted) hometown and on familiar territory is always advantageous since I know what to expect in terms of terrain. And, I ran the inaugural Carmel Marathon last year … need to keep the streak alive!


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