Current Publishing

Going the extra mile

Monica Peck, from left, NHS teacher Caitlin Mallon and Courtney Cole

Caitlin Mallon, Noblesville High School geometry and algebra 2 teacher, has been named the newest Teacher of the Month sponsored by Hare Chevrolet and Current Publishing. Mallon was nominated by algebra 2 student Abi Fisher.

“I struggle with math more than any other student in my class, but she has put forth a great effort into staying after school, printing off special notes for me and making extra efforts to help me with my difficulties. She is the only math teacher I have ever liked, and she deserves to be recognized,” Fisher wrote in her nomination.

“I couldn’t believe Abi would nominate me. I am honored and humbled she thinks of me in such high regard,” Mallon said.

As with many teachers, instruction does not end with the school bell. Mallon said making herself available to struggling students who seek extra help is very important.

“I tell the kids at the beginning of each semester I will do everything and anything I can to help them succeed,” she said. “I guess I don’t think doing that is anything any other teacher wouldn’t do. Abi always said to me, ‘You really do mean it when you say you are here to help us,’ but to me, that comes with the job!”

As a student at Butler University, Mallon didn’t start out as an education major – she originally wanted to be a physical therapist, but changed her mind halfway through her first semester of college.

“I really missed taking math classes and my advisor said she thought I would make a great teacher,” Mallon explained. “Teaching was always a profession in the back of my mind, but as a high school student, I of course thought, they don’t make very much money. My advisor put me in an intro to education class and I fell in love! Money wasn’t even a concern anymore – I just followed my heart.”

Mallon is in her second year teaching. She previously taught seventh grade at Lynhurst 7th & 8th Grade Center in Wayne Township last year.

“I knew I would eventually want to teach high school, so when the position at NHS opened, I couldn’t pass it up,” she said.

Mallon said she loves that each day at work is different.

“I love getting to know my students. They are so funny and interesting, and I learn something new each time I see them,” she said. “It is great to watch them grow as individuals as the year progresses.”

So what is the worst part of her job?

“Getting up so early – 5:20 a.m. comes a lot quicker than it should,” Mallon joked.

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