Current Publishing

O’Connor running for second term

Greg O'ConnorCity Councilman Greg O’Connor officially announced Tuesday his intention to seek a second term as councilman for District 5.

“In the three years I’ve been privileged to serve the citizens of District 5, we have navigated uncharted waters with respect to local government,” he said in a release.  By working together with the mayor and his administration, we have successfully dealt with dramatic changes in funding availability and maintained services at the same high level our citizens enjoy.”

O’Connor added that economic development will continue to be one of his highest priorities if re-elected. In addition to his seat on the council, including serving as its president in 2009, O’Connor has spent more than 30 years in the commercial banking industry. He has been employed for the last 18 years by M&I Bank, where he works as its senior vice president of commercial banking. O’Connor also has served on the board of directors of the Noblesville Chamber of Commerce and Riverview Hospital Foundation, respectively.

“I believe my background in dealing with new strategies, management and challenges can be applied directly to the issues the city will be facing over the next four years,” he said. “I look forward to the challenge of working on today’s issues and planning for a more prosperous tomorrow.”

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