Letter: Questions about recycling 



I want to thank Carmel City Council member Miles Nelson for all his work raising consciousness on taking care of our environment. He works with community members to do “clean up Saturdays” and set up a huge tree planting campaign to keep Carmel “green.” Where are we as a town when it comes to recycling? I check the posted lists showing what is recyclable but still have questions. I don’t mind taking a few minutes to properly sort trash, but I’m not sure I have all the information I need. 

My questions include: 

  • Envelopes and tissue boxes – do we have to remove the plastic windows?
  • Styrofoam carry-outs – most have a recycling logo on the bottom, but are they really recyclable?
  • Rinsing items – we are supposed to rinse bottles and cans, but should we put the lids back on or leave them off?
  • Cardboard boxes – we are supposed to flatten them, but should we also tear off any tape and labels?
  • If someone puts non-recyclables in a city recycling can – is the entire pick up for an area contaminated and put in a landfill? 
  • How do large scale public places (schools, hospitals, restaurants, shops) recycle? What works? Where are we falling short? 
  • Are paper COVID masks recyclable?
  • Will Carmel homes and businesses have funding provided from the “once in a lifetime” legislation President Biden signed into law to install solar panels?
  • How are we doing as far as the overall condition of trash in our area – do we see a reduction in landfill trash? 
  • What other environmentally friendly plans do we have in the works to help all of us in Carmel do our part in keeping Carmel clean and green? 

Thank you, Councilman Nelson for your leadership around our environment. 

Shelley Carey, Carmel

