Letter: Time for new representation in District 39



As a public school teacher, as a parent, and as a woman, I have been extremely disappointed in some of the legislation that State Rep. Jerry Torr has supported in the last few years.

For example:

  • Did you know that despite opposition from Carmel Clay Schools, one of the best school districts in the state, Jerry Torr voted in support of HB 1005, which expanded an already robust voucher system in favor of private schools, decreasing public school funding?
  • Did you know that despite opposition from Indiana State Police Supt. Doug Carter and several statewide law enforcement groups, Jerry Torr voted in support of HEA 1296, which removes the permit requirement to carry a handgun?
  • Did you know that despite opposition from medical professionals, hundreds of businesses, and thousands of Hoosiers across the state, Jerry Torr voted in support of SB 1, one of the most restrictive abortion laws in the country? Additionally, he opposed an amendment that would have allowed voters to decide on this issue in November.

Jerry Torr has been in office since 1996. It’s time for someone new, someone who is going to listen to the people they are elected to represent. I’m excited to support Matt McNally, a retired military officer, ready to continue serving his community as the District 39 representative.  It’s time for a change. It’s time for our voices to be heard.

Emmi Perrin, Carmel
