Westfield council approves economic revitalization area, fire prevention ordinance


In its last meeting of 2021, the Westfield City Council approved a resolution declaring an economic revitalization area for OrthoIndy and a fire prevention ordinance, among other items. For more, visit westfield.in.gov.

What happened: Council members unanimously approved a resolution declaring an economic revitalization area.

What it means: The resolution will permit OrthoIndy to construct a new facility on 6 acres at 250 E. 175th St.


What happened: The council unanimously approved an amendment to the Westfield Fire Dept. Fire Prevention ordinance.

What it means: WFD Deputy Chief Rob Gaylor presented on the ordinance.

“In 2019, the city adopted a fire ordinance to repeal and replace one from the late ‘80s,” Gaylor said. “Through that process, it is approved at the local level and sent to state, and state has to approve the ordinance. They didn’t approve the ordinance in 2019, so we worked with the state to get approval on the fire ordinance and brought it back and presented to you. We found flaws in the way the state was doing it, so they are changing the way they are doing it with a little help from us.”

Now, fire prevention ordinances are submitted to the state, the state approves the ordinance and the ordinance reappears before local government for final approval.


What happened: The council approved the annual transferring of funds ordinance.

What it means: The ordinance gives the clerk-treasurer authority to transfer funds from one city fund to another to balance the books at the end of the year.


What happened: The council approved the 2022 fee schedules.

What it means: The fee schedules showed the updated fees for each department for 2022. Prior to approval, council member Scott Willis asked for current fees to be presented in addition to future fees so the council can examine costs side-by-side. Fees will be presented in that manner for 2023.
