Westfield Washington Schools is the most recent school district in Hamilton County to require students, staff and guests to wear face masks inside district buildings.
WWS announced that with updated contact tracing guidelines, students who are 3-feet or further from a person with COVID-19 do not have to quarantine, as long as both parties were wearing masks.
The district also urged students to stay at home if they have COVID-19 symptoms.
Supt. Paul Kaiser provided an update on the mask policy in a video sent to WWS families.
“Over the last two to three weeks, I’ve received many emails and telephone calls in regard to masks,” Kaiser said. “Now, we can debate the research on masks, depending on which side of the fence you sit on. What we can’t debate is that we want our kids in school. The best way to keep our kids in school is they have every opportunity to be safe and in the best condition for learning, so based on that, we are going to change our direction and our policy on masks based on the updated CDC guidelines.”
For more, visit wws.k12.in.us.