Letter: Drift toward a ‘snowflake world’ concerning



I read the letter authored by Peter Lenges (May 18 issue) regarding his feelings about a letter appearing the previous week written by Jason Peek. I was rather perplexed by Mr. Langes’ comments, as I did not remember reading a letter that even remotely resembled Mr. Lenges’ description. Thinking that I missed something big, I obtained a copy of the May 11 Current and read Mr. Peek’s letter. I was rather surprised by Mr. Lenges’ significant mischaracterization of Mr. Peek’s commentary, which, among other things, Mr. Lenges described as hateful.

To the contrary, Mr. Peek’s letter was quite poignant, the overarching theme of which was that life can be a struggle. His message was to meet life’s challenges head on instead of waiting for someone to solve them for you, to tackle life’s challenges through diligence, hard work and perseverance. Along life’s way, if someone such as a parent, teacher or friend should step forward and lend a hand, so be it.

I believe that our society will continue to devolve if we allow the government to further meddle in our lives under the guise of solving our problems — put a chicken in everyone’s pot, as the saying goes. This is not the legitimate purpose of government. The increasing drift toward a snowflake world is the antithesis of what made our nation great.

T. Stuart Smith, Carmel
