Column: Time to get to work


Commentary by Jason Peek

What happened to the people who barreled through life, no matter what? Where are the thick-skinned, two middle-finger-in-the-air-types?

Everybody is crying about jobs, pay, race, working, COVID-19, the government and their hurt feelings and expecting the world to come to the rescue.

Surprise! Nobody’s coming. This nation was founded on guts, work, love of family and country and barreling through the hard times, not sitting around and complaining and waiting for someone else to save you from your tears.

Life is a constant fight, so get out of bed and put your dukes up and get ready to battle every day. You want a living? Work and earn it. You simply want people to care? Then you’d best care about people. You want life to be easy? Good luck with that. It’s not going to happen. You want the government to save you? Enjoy your temporary false sense of security.

While you sit at home expecting life on a silver platter, your community crumbles around you. Without business, employees, free thinkers, hard work, treating others like you want to be treated and fearless people who would rather die living than live dying, well, we fail. Without students pursuing the trades, we fail. Not wanting to work hard to earn what you want, we fail. Crying about people hurting your feelings and not acting the way you want them to act, we fail. The list goes on.

Do you have the guts to fight, work and live the way you want? Or do you curl up in a corner and cry and die slowly? Look in the mirror and decide who you are and who you want to be, because nobody else cares unless you make them care by example. Get to work!  And be proud until you’re tired and in pain from busting your rump.

United we stand, divided we fall. Period. End of story. And quit watching the news, sucking it down like a milkshake that could do you no harm.

Don’t like my attitude? I’m at 41 W. Main St. in Carmel. Come say “hi.” Buck up, honey.

Jason “Hogjaws” Peek is the owner of Main Street Barbershop in Carmel. You may email him at [email protected].
