Faces of Fishers: Jessica Stout


CIF FF 0511 Stout

Commentary by Shelly Gattlieb

Before moving to Fishers, Jessica Stout was raised in Oregon and began her law enforcement career with the Bend, Ore., Police Dept. Stout has now been with the Fishers Police Dept. for six years and has served in several roles, including day patrol, night patrol and sniper on the emergency response team.

Stout is an internationally certified Drug Recognition Expert, one of only two at FPD and one of only 200 in Indiana. She also has served on the fatal crash team as an OWI investigator.

Stout conducts OWI education for the FPD; is a background investigator; is a public education officer with the FPD support division; and manages the FPD’s social media and community outreach.

Family: Husband James, a land surveyor, 1-year-old baby boy and 3 teenage stepchildren

Favorite season: Summer

Pastime: Reading

Proudest moment: Becoming a mother

First job: Lifeguard at public pool

Fun fact: Two full sleeves of tattoos

Favorite food: Sushi

Childhood activities: Salmon fishing, hiking, whitewater rafting, snowshoeing, skiing

Favorite band: Muscadine Bloodline

Do you have an interesting friend who lives, works or worships in Fishers? Send suggestions to [email protected].
