Letter: Background checks are nothing more than a false sense of security



In response to (the April 27 letter to the editor by) Mr. Weingarten of Fishers: Background checks for firearms are not what you think. Background checks consist of employment, education, criminal, credit, motor vehicle and license records. None of the criteria highlights whether a customer has good or bad intentions when purchasing a firearm.

It is a common misconception that a background check is a huge CIA investigation that combs through social media. It does not. This check is usually completed in about 30 seconds.

According to the FBI Criminal Justice Division, between 1998 and 2014, more 200 million background checks for gun purchases were processed through the FBI’s background check system. Of these, only 0.6 percent were denied. Background checks do not work and are nothing more than a false sense of security.

Danny Niederberger, Carmel
