Westfield Police Dept. releases annual report; sees decrease in major crimes, increase in domestic disturbances


The Westfield Police Dept. 2020 Annual Report was released April 29. Data shows a decrease in major crimes and an increase in domestic disturbances.

“Just last week Westfield was named the top suburb in the U.S. and one of the reasons cited was our low crime rate,” Mayor Andy Cook stated. “The Westfield Police Dept. Annual Report highlights the people and processes that help us to continue to be a safe community. I am proud of the proactive and professional policing from our officers.”

WPD Chief Joel Rush attributes the domestic-related runs to the COVID-19 pandemic.

“No one could have predicted the challenges we faced in 2020,” Rush stated. “Our team rose to the challenges presented by the pandemic and social unrest in the country. Our team adapted and responded to the challenges of 2020. We have a dedicated group of men and women who continue to show they can manage transition and still meet and exceed the demands of one of the fastest growing cities in Indiana.”

In 2020, the department transitioned to the National Incident-Based Reporting System, also known as NIBRS. NIBRS is a criminal reporting system that is designed to capture details on each crime incident. Using the new system, WPD reported a decrease in major crimes. Westfield saw a decrease in rapes, robberies, thefts and automobile accidents. In 2020, there was one reported rape compared to six in 2019, four reported robberies compared to five in 2019, 18 reported batteries with serious injury compared to four in 2019, and 232 batteries with no or minor injuries compared to 149 in 2019. There were two cases of arson, 27 burglaries and 286 thefts.

The department also received national accreditation by the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies, Inc. This was the department’s second award of national

accreditation, the first coming in 2016. CALEA accreditation comes following the required four-year self-assessment phase and a meticulous site-based assessment of community engagement, policy, procedures, equipment and facilities by CALEA assessors. The honor recognizes excellence in public safety and commitment to the community.

WPD added nine officers and assigned three officers to the Noblesville/Westfield Emergency Services Unit, a highly trained tactical team for high-risk critical incidents.

To view the entire report, visit westfield.in.gov/egov/documents/1619704004_91291.pdf.
