Letter: Support McMillan



I am enjoying a lovely day on my front porch in Noblesville as I sit and recall the times I have seen my friend, Charlie McMillan, as I have been around the community of Noblesville. The first time I met Charlie, he was volunteering his time at the Belfry Theater summer children’s production helping with stage lights and other tasks needed to assist the director, Connie Murello-Todd, as she directed some 40 to 50 kiddos under age 13. I was impressed with his patience and energy as he worked with the young people who were older than 14 and learning the processes that go into putting a live theater production together.  

But that was only the beginning of a friendship with a man who I learned has a love for all the communities in our county. I began to see him in other situations where he volunteered his time to help with everything from mowing the lawn to helping repair building damage after a storm. Charlie was thoughtful for me as an elderly resident and took time to stop by my home and make sure I could safely get to my vehicle during the icy weather. 

I believe Charlie McMillan is the kind of leader we need to be in our county government. He has a quality that is often missing in today’s world, integrity. I fully support Charlie McMillan as he seeks the position on the county council of Hamilton County.  

Norma Floyd, Noblesville
