Current Road Construction



Project: Extension of Lowes Way

Location: From Keystone Parkway to Range Line Road

Expected completion: July


Project: Water line installation

Location: West side of Westfield Boulevard between 99th Street and Norriston Drive. Traffic may be reduced to one lane at various times but no road closure is expected.

Expected completion: April 2020



Project: Ind. 37 Improvement Project

Location: Construction began at 126th Street in August and will be followed by 146th, 131st and 141st streets, ending with 135th Street. The west approach of east 126th Street at Ind. 37 closed March 1 and is anticipated to reopen in July. During this time, cross access and all left turns will be restricted, with only right-in and right-out turns permitted until the phase ends. Local access to businesses will remain open via Lantern Road.

Expected completion: 2022

Detour: Drivers will be directed to use 116th Street or 131st Street to Allisonville Road. Detour route markers and advance warning signs will be in place.


Project: 116th Street

Location: The northernmost westbound lane of 116th Street is restricted between Lantern Road and Municipal Drive.

Expected completion: The restrictions are estimated to last for 45 days. The restrictions began Feb. 24.


Project: Utility relocation for future 96th Street expansion

Location: 96th Street between Lantern and Cumberland roads

Expected completion: 96th Street expansion to begin this year, utility work expected for the next several months


Project: Downtown infrastructure improvement

Location: The intersection of Morgan Drive and Lantern Road closed Feb. 10. Access to Fishers Elementary will be available from 106th Street. Lantern Road is currently closed to through traffic, beginning south of 116th Street to Fishers Pointe Boulevard.

Expected completion: The project will be complete in the fall.

Detour: Lantern Road access open from the north for local traffic and Fishers Elementary School but will be closed between 116th Street and Fishers Pointe Boulevard. Use Fishers Pointe Boulevard for detour.



Project: Westfield Boulevard connector

Location: The extension will connect the roundabout at Ind. 32 and Shamrock Boulevard with David Brown Drive. Construction has moved to the south side of Park Street.

Expected completion: End of 2020


Project: Monon Trail bridge

Location: Monon Trail closed near Ind. 32.

Expected completion: The project has been extended to last until spring


Project: Grand Junction Plaza

Location: The parking lot west of Union Street and south of Main Street

Expected completion: The gravel parking lot on the east end of Park Street is permanently closed as the Grand Junction Plaza is moving into the construction phase. Parking is available on the west end of Park Street.


Project: Natalie Wheeler Trail 

Location: On Union Street between Mill and Jersey streets.

Expected completion: Closed during construction of the Grand Junction Plaza, estimated completion in 2021.


Project: Sycamore Street bridge reconstruction

Location: Sycamore Street Bridge in Zionsville will be closed as the road bridge deck and bridge railing systems are reconstructed and new decorative lighting is installed.

Expected completion: Aug. 28

Detour: Utilize U.S. 421/Michigan Road, 106th Street and Main Street.


Project: Turkey Foot Park Bridge repair

Location: Over Eagle Creek

Expected completion: To be determined. The project began Jan. 28 and had a target completion of Feb. 7, but weather has delayed the project.

Detour: The bridge is closed, but park users can access Turkey Foot Park by bike or foot via Redbud Lane.


Project: Irongate drainage and improvement

Location: A new storm sewer pipe is being installed along the south side of Oak Street from Irongate Drive to just west of Ford Road.

Expected completion: The project began March 6 and is expected to continue through May.

Detour: No full closures are anticipated. The south lane of eastbound Oak Street will be closed during the construction between Irongate Drive and the Walgreen’s entrance. Local access for residents and businesses within the project area will be maintained but short-term driveway closures will be necessary.
