Carmel schools not expected to be closed – as of now – during teacher rally


Several school districts are expected to cancel classes Nov. 19 as teachers rally at the Indiana Statehouse, but Carmel Clay Schools is not expected to be one of them.

The Indiana State Teachers Association is organizing the Red for Ed Action Day from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Nov. 19 to ask legislators to use some of the state budget surplus to increase teacher salaries. They also will request that lawmakers hold students and teachers harmless for low I-LEARN scores in the program’s first year.

Thousands of teachers from across the state are expected to attend, which has locally led to the closure of Wayne Township and Indianapolis Public Schools that day. Other districts are planning e-learning days.

Carmel Teachers’ Association President Pete O’Hara said he plans to attend the rally with two CTA board members.

“As of this time, I only know of a few other teachers attending, but that may change,” he stated in an email. “There is no plan to close the school.”

CCS spokeswoman Courtney Taylor said the district is monitoring the amount of absences reported for Nov. 19.

Legislators are holding a one-day session Nov. 19 to prepare for the upcoming General Assembly, which begins Jan. 7, 2020.

Last month CCS and CTA approved a two-year collective bargaining agreement that includes the biggest raise for teachers in more than 10 years. Teachers are receiving a 4 percent raise plus increment this school year and a 2 percent raise plus increment for the 2020-21 school year.
