Letter: Is Carmel council “double dipping”?



As I read Ann Marie Shambaugh’s article in the Oct. 29 Current in Carmel on the approval of the 2020 Carmel City Council budget, I realized as taxpayers we should thank Hans Collins. It seems Mr. Collins was fortuitous enough at the Oct. 21 council meeting to question why the 2020 budget still had $2.4 million to pay Hamilton County in 2020 for the use of the county’s 911 dispatch center. Mr. Collins reminded everyone that’s what the 10 percent increase in local income taxes is supposed to cover.

In the corporate sector we call this “double dipping” and hold people accountable for explaining budget variances, either shortfalls or windfalls.

Evidently the mayor previously stated the funds would be used to fund other public safety initiatives? Not sure what that means, but that doesn’t appear to be sound fiscal planning. That sounds more like a nice gravy train.

Again, it appears without Mr. Collins, the 2020 Carmel City Council budget would have started with a $2.4 million bonus. If this really is true, then someone needs to explain how precious taxpayer dollars are being managed.

Derek Gryna, Carmel
