Letter: Remove unused railroad tracks


Editor’s note: This letter is written in response to a letter by Tom Williams, which was published in the Aug. 13 edition.


We purchased a home in Fishers’ Sunblest in July 1987. Great town, growing slowly, then fast, faster and faster; wonderful neighbors, friends, jobs, schools. Now a city with a mayor, support team, beautiful new buildings, businesses; you add all the rest of the positives.

Railroad tracks, big red stop signs, countless street crossings, rough tracks, unused, useless, no train. Some drivers ignore stop signs. Some pretend to stop, some stop for a moment, some really stop. Most vehicles have four wheels, tires and brakes. A few have less than four. Some have many more. All day long, all night, tracks, stop signs, street crossings without end.

After three decades, we are now old, very old with one vehicle, one driver. A typical week for us – 15 crossings, big deal? No, but hundreds, thousands of others add to millions, billions, over a year. Trillions of wheels, tires, brakes. You do the math!

Something positive? Get rid of those tracks, stop signs. Entertain every driver. History can be written. We can make new history. 

Wayne E. Caldwell, Fishers
