Letter: Everybody must be a racist



Wow, reading such a letter from Christina (Downey, published July 30) really means I must be a racist, because I really do support President Trump.

I have always lived by the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. I think Christina fails to remember what kids said when they were on the playground: “Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me.”

This is how the president has handled himself from Day 1. He was and is called every name in the book, some really vulgar, but he goes about doing the people’s business. He has done more in a short time to turn this country around. The last 30 years, all we saw were Democrats, Liberals and big business put thousands of people out of work through their greed and power. Go up to Anderson and talk with the many employees who lost their jobs to Mexico. That is racism.

The president has started to revive the economy where we have the lowest unemployment rate in over 50 years. This, along with deregulation, tax cuts, trade re-negotiations, prison reform, defeating ISIS, getting out of the Paris accords, getting out of the Iran deal, plus many more achievements that are restoring America’s greatness that has been taken advantage of for many years. These achievements can’t come from a racist person, because they help everyone in the United States, not one particular identity group.

Now, how can he be called a racist? Because he responds to the racist and anti-Semitic “Squad?” For years, everyone loved “the Donald” because he was able to help people of all races, but as soon as he is elected, his agenda is to fix this broken country to help the working man. So, I think you better revisit your racist view of the president. Stop watching CNN so you can really understand what the term racism really means. The Democrats want to stop the change this country needs. We need to put Americans first.

Phil Adair, Noblesville
