I would like a logical, moral and fiscally conservative justification for yet another tax increase here in what the chair of the local Republican Party, city councilor Laura Campbell, proudly touts as “the fifth-most Conservative friendly county in America.”
Henry Mestetsky, director of the Carmel Redevelopment Commission, quickly reminds us that “school corporations are distinct taxing units governed by elected school boards and referendum/funding issues have nothing to do with your city government (mayor/city council).” However, as he surely knows, each time the city approves a tax abatement or TIF zone, the 50 percent of local property taxes that go to support the schools are no longer available “for the children.”
From a moral perspective, why should I pay higher taxes for the schools when one of these leaders could lead a volunteer program, maybe run through the Hamilton County Community Foundation or Carmel Dads’ Club, to generate this amount requested for school “safety?” Maybe some people could forego a Disney or Vail vacation, or even give less to something altruistic that I ostensibly support like funding for Haitians, Carmel Green Initiative or your own church and give it to help CCS “be the best at getting better.”
What do you say, morally righteous Republicans? We certainly don’t want people to think we think like Karl Marx that “the education of all children, from the moment that they can get along without a mother’s care, (should) be in state institutions.” In case you missed it in school, that is part of the Tenth Plank of Communism.
Hopefully, by not supporting this referendum I don’t hear “love it or leave it,” though. After all, you wouldn’t have me to tax if I did.
Eric Morris, Carmel