Westfield Washington Schools construction progress is on target for on-time completion.
“Intermediate and middle schools started spring 2018 and are about two-thirds complete in our 21-month schedule,” said Victor Landfair, vice president for the Skillman Corp., the construction management company in charge of the project. “Both projects are comprised of several construction phases and the last phases are planned to be completed by the end of this year.”
The Westfield High School project started in the fall 2018 and is approximately one-third complete in a 28-month schedule, Landfair said. The high school project also has several phases of construction.
“The new classroom addition is planned for occupancy by the start of school in the fall of 2020,” Landfair said. “Other phases of interior renovations will continue until the end of 2020.”
Landfair said he encourages those interested to review the monthly construction update Skillman provides to the school board. It is posted on the school website, wws.k12.in.us, under Westfield Growth and includes diagrams and photographs of the construction progress.
“We have new construction and additions ongoing at all three secondary schools,” Landfair said. “This does not include annual summer projects the school routinely completes each year.”
Construction around the high school has forced students to change their normal parking routines.
“There were originally 853 parking spaces for cars,” Landfair said. “When the project is complete there will be 913 spaces for daily use and an additional 70 spaces in the bus parking lot for use during after-school events. During construction, we have tried to minimize loss of parking spaces by creating a temporary parking lot where the old Sodexo maintenance building sat. Unfortunately, those spaces are not as close to the school entrances.”