Zionsville Lions Club Easter Egg Hunt returns


For the 28th consecutive year, the Zionsville Lions Club will conduct its EGGnormous Egg Hunt. Activities begin at 9 a.m. April 20 at Lions Park, 115 S. Elm St.

This year, the club will increase its egg count to 20,000. Last year’s count was 18,000. Eggs will be filled with candy and prizes. The candy will not contain chocolate or peanuts.

“The event keeps growing year over year and getting bigger and bigger,” Zionsville Lion Mike Heffner said.

Age groups are 3-4, 5-6 and 7 and older.

An egg stroll will be offered for kids younger than 3 and their parents. It will be set up around the gazebo. The egg stroll will be open from 10 to 10:30 a.m. Following the egg stroll, the other age groups will start in 15-minute shifts.

Heffner estimates that 3,000 to 4,000 kids participate each year in the egg hunt. He said approximately 7,000 people attend the event.

Although the first egg hunt doesn’t begin until 10 a.m., the event begins at 9 a.m. with a for-donation-only pancake breakfast in the shelter house. At 9:30 a.m., egg-themed games will be offered, such as running with an egg on a spoon and an egg toss.

Another major event is the rubber duck scavenger hunt.

“What happens with those is we have a lot of our local merchants donate prizes for kids to come into the store and get,” Heffner said. “They’ll pick up a rubber duck which has the name of the vendor, and they go to the store with their parents and collect the item.”

Some eggs in the egg hunt contain prize certificates, for items such as large, plush animals, hats, gift certificates and Kindles, among other items.

The event is free and registration isn’t required. Parents are encouraged to bring a container to collect eggs. For more, visit zionsvillelions.com.
