Confused about the referendum numbers?


Current in Noblesville has received numerous inquiries regarding the math behind the rate for the Noblesville Schools referendum.

Noblesville Township voters will be asked to choose “yes” or “no” on the Nov. 6 ballot, but the lengthy wording of the referendum question can trip up some, and others are wondering where the district is getting its numbers.

In the past, the referendum question has been the first item on the ballot when voting. This is what the question will look like:

“For the eight (8) calendar years immediately following the holding of the referendum, shall Noblesville Schools impose a property tax rate that does not exceed thirty seven cents ($0.37) on each one hundred dollars ($100) of assessed valuation, and that is in addition to all other property taxes imposed by the school corporation for the purpose of funding enhanced safety and security measures in all buildings, as well as to maintain academic and educationally related programs?”

Simply put, voting yes means you approve the rate increase.

Here are some important points remember before you cast your ballot:

  • The 2016 referendum set the rate at 18.9 cents. Homeowners currently pay this amount. The new referendum, if passed, will change the rate to 37 cents, making the 2016 referendum obsolete; therefore increasing the amount homeowners currently pay by 18.1 cents. If the referendum is not passed, the 2016 referendum will remain in effect until it 2023 when it expires.
  • Because the rate is based off of a home’s net assessed value, there are a few things take into account when estimating how much you’ll pay, including three property tax deductions: a homestead deduction, a supplemental deduction and a mortgage deduction. According to the Hamilton County Auditor’s Office, 86.4 percent of Noblesville homeowners get property tax deductions.
  • If your property falls into the 14.6 percent of homes in Noblesville that do not receive these deductions, you could pay more than the estimates given by Noblesville Schools and its political action committee’s (MillerYes) tax calculator.

If you’re not sure what you currently pay or what you will pay if the referendum is passed, contact the Hamilton County Auditor’s Office at 317-776-8400. The office is located at 33 N. Ninth St. in Suite L21, in the lower level of the old courthouse, and is open from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.

If you haven’t already voted, early voting is ongoing at the Hamilton County Government and Judicial Center, 1 Hamilton County Sq., from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Early voting also can be done on Saturday, Nov. 3 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Nov. 5 is the final day for early voting and runs from 8 a.m. to noon.

For more stories on the referendum vote, visit
