Letter: The insulters amongst us



The question of manners has been quite the topic of Current lately.

Now that the Current’s “Reader’s View” is a referendum on national politics, it would be wise for writers who submit letters to avoid the hypocrisy they unfairly accuse those of whom they disagree.

The latest glaring example of this hypocrisy is the hurling of insults at President Trump and his supporters while defending Danielle Wilson’s vitriol. Danielle Wilson’s columns over the years purposely exhibit the total lack of manners, decency and taste for shock-value and therefore invites reaction; precisely what she and Current receive. When readers reacted against her tirade toward President Trump, they should have been free to do so without personal attacks being levied against them.

There is no question that the Left has so much disdain for the Right; the constant barrage of insults and hypocrisy by the Left is precisely why many in the electorate voted for President Trump.

Writers, stay away from insults and “look in the mirror” prior to submissions. Current staff, avoid printing unsubstantiated political drivel and general lack of taste by proofreading and editing commentary.

Vince Catanese, Westfield
