Woofstock hosts Hamilton County Humane Society in Fishers Oct. 7


Man’s best friend will take center stage at Woofstock 2017. The Hamilton County Humane Society will host the family and pet-friendly event at 2 p.m. Oct. 7 at the Nickel Plate District Amphitheater, 6 Municipal Dr. It’s Indiana’s largest pet and music festival.

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Megan Dietz pauses with Flare during a past Woofstock event. (File photo by Anna Skinner)

“There are a lot of different events that are just pet-focused,” said Rebecca Stevens, executive director for HCHS. “I don’t know of anyone who has tied live music and the pet side of it together. That’s what makes this so unique.”

The day will kick off with the Woof It and Hoof It Survivor Program Charity Walk at 1:30 p.m.

“This walk is a walk of solidarity,” Stevens said. “It’s to raise money for our survivor program. People can get involved even if they can’t attend by creating a fundraising team through CrowdRise.”

Woofstock will have something for everyone, including music from local high school marching bands, merchandise, food vendors, a Metazoa beer garden, Capital Group Kids Corner and canine fun.

“Paws and Play will be doing a doggy agility demonstration and show with the dogs from our shelter. Some of them are adoptable dogs that started out with serious issues and wouldn’t have been considered savable at other shelters,” Stevens said.

The event is a significant fundraiser for the Hamilton County Humane Society. Proceeds benefit animals at the non-kill shelter.

“We are saving animals that no other shelter has the resources or the philosophy to save,” Stevens said. “That survivor program makes that possible. It’s 100 percent donation-driven. Every little broken soul that comes into that shelter from day one we are funding all their medical care.”

Admission is $5 per person. Kids 10 and under are free. Military personnel with I.D. are free. For more, visit hamiltoncountyhumane.com.
