Opinion: Mea culpa to the chief


I used to honk people off all the time with my columns. PTO moms, Catholics, the breastfeeding contingent – I could go on and on. I would receive hate mail about once a month, usually highlighting my terrible parenting or wife-ing skills (is wife-ing a word? Now the grammar police will be writing!) and, occasionally, offers of prayer-circle mention. Not that I miss the backlash, but I do wonder if anyone out there is reading me.

According to my Current inbox yesterday, they are! Thirty-three emails awaited my attention. Most were spam, but 10 were not. I’d completely forgotten about my piece a few weeks ago where I likened President Trump to my teenage daughter, labeling them both insufferable. I’d apparently struck a nerve with a few Republicans who wrote that it was I  (or is it me? Grammar police, I need you!) who was being insufferable with my disrespectful trash talk.

They have a point. I shouldn’t have compared my s16-year-old to a baby boomer. She still has nine years before her brain is finished maturing. She’s dealing with hormones and homecoming, academics and acne, college applications and cellphone apps. Of course, no one can stand to be around her – she’s a hot mess!

But I do expect our president to at least behave like he has a plan. Like he knows what he’s doing. Like he has learned something from his 70-plus years on this earth. I didn’t vote for him, but I believe in the office he now holds. So pull it together, Mr. Trump. The PTOs of this world, and, yes, even this grammar-questioning writer need you.

Peace out.
