By Heather Lusk
When Jog-a-Thon returns to Zionsville’s elementary schools Sept. 27, there’s not a chance that Union Elementary parent Jennifer Fyffe won’t be involved.
“You couldn’t tell me no,” she said of her fourth year as chair of the Jog-a-Thon at Union. “I love doing it for the kids. I love doing it for the school.”
The seventh annual event occurs simultaneously at the five elementary schools. Fyffe and volunteers representing each of the schools begin planning in January, pooling their resources for sponsorship and general expenses.
Although overall planning is the same throughout the district, each school puts its own twist on activities. At Union Elementary, each student receives a medal with the number of laps completed written on the back. Last year, Fyffe had the idea during the Olympics and brought it back this year because of its popularity.
Union also rewards the class raising the most money with a special activity with Principal Jennifer Raycroft, who has been made into an ice cream sundae in the past. Along with the vice principal, Raycroft has been duct-taped to a wall, had a silly string fight with students and been soaked in a dunk tank.
“I want to make it fun for the kids and fruitful for the school,” Fyffe said.
Last year, the five schools raised nearly $140,000 through corporate sponsorships and family donations. Union Elementary put a large portion of last year’s donations toward teacher laptops, teacher grants and student grants.
“We’re able to do so much with that money during the school year,” Fyffe said. “We’re blessed at the amount of support from the community, support from the parents and excitement from the children.”