Mayor Scott Fadness discusses 2018 budget with city council


At the Sept. 18 Fishers City Council meeting, Mayor Scott Fadness discussed the 2018 budget with the council. A vote will be taken at the Oct. 16 council meeting.

Fadness described the budget as “fiscally sound,” and he explained the city’s financial discipline by maintaining solid cash reserves prior to presenting the new budget.

“Every year, we have exceeded our need by millions of dollars in the cash reserve fund, which is a wonderful testament to financial management,” Fadness said. “2017 exceeded $2.9 million (in cash reserves), and by the end of 2018, we will still be exceeding by $2.4 million, which is a sound financial position for a city to be in.”

The 2018 budget proposal is $103,817,303. The operating and capital will be $89,198,792 and debt service for 2018 will be $14,618,511.

Fadness said 2018 investments will focus on people and capital. They includes a 5 percent raise for city employees and offering up to a $1,000 match program for employees investing in a 457 plan.

“Because of our sound financial management and the positive momentum, we will invest in our people,” Fadness said. “This year, we are able to recognize that and reward them accordingly.”

The budget also allows for additional human capital, including three police officers; three firefighters; a civilian for administrative work with the police department; a full-time parks laborer; a public works software technician; a wastewater plant operator; a senior laborer for the public works department; a project manager for the Business Solutions group; a parks assistant director; and a building inspector.

Equipment highlights include the new police station, which should be completed by August 2018; replacing 13 police SUVs; replacing a fire department ladder truck; and replancing other vehicles.

Various improvements will be made to parks and roads in 2018 if the budget is passed.

A public hearing was held for the budget. Only one person spoke. The citizen poked fun at the City of Carmel by asking the Fishers City Council if the mayor had budgeted for an antique carousel for the City of Fishers.
