Pro-choice poster issue still unresolved at Carmel High School


By Heather Collins

A new school year has begun, but an issue that led to a lawsuit against Carmel Clay Schools in early 2016 is still unresolved.

CHS student group Voices United sued the district after being told it could not display a pro-choice poster created in response to a poster made and displayed by pro-life student group Teens for Life.

Teens for Life was allowed to hang the poster for 10 school days after previously being told to take it down. As a result of the incident, the school updated signage rules, and CHS claims Voices United’s poster did not meet the new requirements.

The new regulations state that club signs are to be used solely to announce club meetings, words on the sign are limited to the date, time and location of club meetings and the only images permitted on a sign are a pre-approved club logo.

The case is before Judge Tanya Walton Pratt.
