By Ann Marie Shambaugh
The Carmel Clay Schools board of trustees voted July 24 to ratify a 2016-17 contract with the Carmel Teachers’ Association. The contract includes a 1.5 percent pay increase that is effective retroactively.
Teachers worked the 2016-2017 school year without a contract as CTA and the previous union, the Carmel Clay Education Association, battled over who would represent CCS educators.
The Indiana Education Employment Relations Board ruled in August 2016 that bargaining couldn’t begin until teachers voted on whether or not to decertify CCEA as its union, but the election was delayed after CCEA filed an unfair labor complaint against CCS that same month. IEERB cleared CCS of any wrongdoing in a ruling issued in March. In May, CCS teachers voted to decertify CCEA and replace it with CTA.
Bargaining for the 2017-18 school year will begin in September.
The school board also:
- Appointed Sara Inskeep as principal at Forest Dale Elementary.
Appointed Kim Barrett as the interim principal at Towne Meadow Elementary as the district continues to search for a permanent replacement. Barrett retired as principal at Smoky Row Elementary at the end of the 2016-17 school year.
- Approved material and rental fee changes for 2017-18.