City Center Drive and Range Line Road was closed for roundabout construction last week. Construction is nearing the final stages. The job was estimated to take 14 days. There will continue to be partial closures of the intersection until completion, which is anticipated to be on or prior to July 1. (Photos by Sara Baldwin)
- Towne Road and 106th Street is still closed for roundabout construction. Construction is estimated to take 45 days.
- The City of Carmel postponed a temporary lane closure that was scheduled to take place the night of June 21 along Main Street near 4th Avenue NW. The city announced that work on a sewer line will not be complete until after July 4. Visit for updates on when this will take place.
- Hazel Dell Parkway and 116th Street is closed for roundabout construction, estimated to take 75 days.
- Spring Mill Road is closed south of the Main Street roundabout to 116th Street except for local traffic. Motorists are encouraged to use Illinois Street as a detour. The closure is expected to last until fall.
- On or after July 5, construction will begin on a new roundabout at Carmel Drive and Guilford Road. This will be a full closure of the intersection for about 45 days, weather and utility delays permitting. Detour routes will be marked as Pennsylvania and Range Line Road (north-south); Main Street and 116th Street (east-west).
- Five-points roundabout: Work on the “five-points roundabout” continues. While construction takes place, the intersection that connects 10th Street and Christian and Greenfield avenues has become an all-way stop, one-lane stop. Construction began April 24 and is expected to end sometime next month. The city has designated a detour route of 16th, Pleasant and Eighth streets to avoid the project.
- Ind. 37 drainage project: The second phase of a $1.5 million drainage project between 146th Street and Greenfield Avenue in Noblesville is ongoing. The highway has been reduced to one lane both northbound and southbound in the area. The Indiana Dept. of Transportation expects work to be completed by the end of the summer.
- East 151st Street will close for construction of a roundabout at Westfield Boulevard. The closure is expected to last 60 days. Motorists travelling eastbound on East 151st Street will encounter detour routing which will bypass roundabout construction at the new intersection of East 151st Street and Westfield Boulevard between Greyhound Pass and U.S. 31. Target will only be accessible to traffic from the east, so customers approaching from the west will need to follow the detour route. Eastbound traffic crossing U.S. 31 at 151st Street will need to follow the detour or approach 151st Street from U.S. 31 north or south.
- Casey Road is closed north of Ind. 32 for approximately a half-mile for the construction of the Ditch Road extension roundabout. The closure is expected to last 60 days.
- Construction is still under way for a roundabout at the intersection of Ford and Mulberry roads. The intersection is expected to remain open throughout most of the project, but some temporary closures or lane restrictions could be in place. The roundabout is expected to be complete before school resumes in August.
- 96th Street: Construction has begun on the new roundabout at 96th Street and Lantern Road. Traffic on 96th Street between Kincaid Drive and Fitness Lane/Pinecreek Drive will be reduced to one lane in each direction throughout the summer.
- Brooks School Road: The Brooks School Road bridge over I-69 will remain closed until August. Contractors are rebuilding the bridge deck. Traffic will be detoured to Promise Road via 126th and 136th streets.
- 116th Street: Lane restrictions will occur on 116th Street between I-69 and Cumberland Road through summer for improvements.
- 113th Street: In order to resurface and make roadway improvements, there will be lane restrictions on 113th Street from Olio Road to Florida Road.
- USA Parkway: Drivers on USA Parkway will experience lane restrictions while crews resurface the roadway. Flaggers will direct traffic.
- Ind. 37: Lane and shoulder restrictions will be in place through June 30 on Ind. 37. All work on the project is expected to be complete this summer. Turn lanes will not be affected. A minimum of one through-lane will be maintained at all times.