Noblesville High School named to AP honor roll for second year: One of just ten in state to receive the honor


On Dec. 19, Noblesville Schools announced today that Noblesville High School has been named to the national College Board Advanced Placement Honor Roll for the second year in a row.

The school stands with just nine other schools in the state to receive the honor.

The AP honor roll recognizes schools that have increased student participation in AP coursework while improving high AP exam performance levels. The ranking is based on 2014-2016 NHS data.

NHS has seen a rise in its AP statistics, nearly tripling its number of student AP Scholars over the past four years while administering approximately 300 more AP exams in 2016 than they did in 2014.

The College Board is a not-for-profit organization that promotes college readiness through the SAT and Advanced Placement Program.
