By Heather Collins
Jacob Hamblen Monninger, a freshman at Fishers High School, was installed as Master Councilor for the Carmel Chapter of DeMolay International Oct. 29. According to the DeMolay website, DeMolay is the premier youth leadership organization, building young men of character and dedicated to making young men better people and leaders.
Jacob’s grandfather, Thomas R. Hamblen, a 32nd degree Freemason, presented Jacob with the ceremonial gavel during the ceremony at the Carmel Masonic Lodge No. 421.
Jacob’s mother, Joan Monninger, said the organization helps to build the renaissance man.
“It’s a 360-degree approach to life and the way you live,” she said. “We’re giving these young men roots and wings.”
As the elected master councilor, Jacob will oversee various community service programs and events and lead his chapter for a six-month term in accordance with the seven core virtues of DeMolay International, which include love of parents, reverence, courtesy, comradeship, fidelity, cleanness and patriotism.
“In the last 19 months, I’ve seen DeMolay increase Jacob’s confidence, enthusiasm, resilience, openness to trying things outside his comfort zone, and meeting new people, while also giving him valuable experiences with public speaking, problem-solving, public service,” Joan said.
The Carmel Chapter of DeMolay International volunteers every second Saturday for the monthly pancake breakfast at the Carmel Masonic Lodge No. 421. The Carmel Chapter of DeMolay International has also volunteered at the Wheeler Mission, the Ronald McDonald House and the Carmel Health and Community Living Community.
“I think my self-confidence and social-confidence (have improved). I was more of an introvert, especially before I joined ,” Jacob said. “I had a small group of friends and I was just quiet. I’m more confident socially and in school now,” Jacob said.
Jacob said he plans to pursue a career in law or running for political office.
Jacob’s mother believes DeMolay International helps to bring up young men who are fit for public office and leadership roles.
There are 15 members of the Carmel Chapter of DeMolay International, and the chapter is accepting new members. DeMolay International is geared towards young men between the ages of 12 and 21.
Jacob is also a member of the Junior Honor Society, the FHS orchestra, the FHS Model UN and studies violin and piano at the Ji-Eun Lee Music Academy in Fishers.
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