Letter: Coverage was icing on the cake



The Zionsville Band Boosters Board would like to express our great appreciation for your coverage of the ISSMA Scholastic A State Championship win by the Zionsville Marching Eagles for their show Into the Light. Your coverage was the icing on the cake to an outstanding season well-earned from the hard work of the ZCHS marching band students, staff, volunteers and parents.

We would also like to thank the generosity of our Platinum Sponsors, Goodman Jewelers and Nelson Law Group, along with all of our sponsors that contributed to our winning season and to the continued growth of our program. Many thanks go to the Zionsville Police and Fire departments for leading our students on a celebratory victory lap back to the high school as they returned to Zionsville after winning their top competition.

We further would like to show our gratitude and extend a heartfelt thank you to Supt. Dr. Scott Robison and Principal Tim East for supporting and understanding the importance of music in schools, along with Tom Landrum, Jeff King, Orion Avery, Adam Faircolth and the remaining ZCHS Marching Eagles staff.

Finally, we are grateful and recognize all of the parents and volunteers that brought the Into the Light season to a state championship-winning close. And last but not least, to our community, there is no place like it. We appreciate all that you do.

The Zionsville Band Boosters Board
